Pet Resources

For New Owners

It is recommended that pet puppies and cats should be vaccinated from 8 weeks..

  • Puppies should be injected with three doses of DHPPiL (Distemper, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza, Hepatitis) vaccine. Rabies vaccinations can also be given to puppies when they are five months old.
  • Kittens should complete three doses of FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia) vaccine. Before completing all three doses of the vaccine, your kitten should be quarantined until it has completed all of its shots.

Dogs:Spay & Neutering are recommended when puppies are sexually mature. Male dogs should be performed before their sexual maturity, approximately 7 to 10 months of age, while female dogs can be performed at six to eight months of age. Large breed dogs have relatively slow sexual maturity and can be spayed and neutered when they are a little older. Veterinarian will advise on the best time to spay and neuter.

Cats: Spaying and neutering are recommended for kittens when they are sexually mature, and for males, usually between 6 and 12 months of age. Neutering can be done as early as three months old. Female cats usually get into estrus for the first time at about six months of age, so spaying can usually be done at six to seven months of age. Veterinarian will advise on the best time to spay and neuter.

Intestinal parasites are common parasites in puppies and may be infected by breast milk before or after birth. Microscopic examination of feces can help diagnose the presence of parasites in puppies. If insects are found, corresponding measures should be taken, such as insecticides.

We recommend that the owner can give the puppies an insecticide from the age of two weeks, and repeat it every two weeks. In addition, roundworms can be transmitted to children, so if you have children at home, you should make it a habit to deworm your dog regularly. Adult dogs should also be dewormed at least twice a year. If there is a chance to contact children, the time density of deworming should be strengthened.

Tapeworms are the most common intestinal parasite in dogs. When the puppies swallow the fleas, they will be infected. The eggs of the tapeworm are parasitic in the fleas. When the puppies are bitten by the fleas, they will lick and bite the skin, and they may swallow the fleas. Tapeworm-infected dogs shed the genital proglottis in the feces. These genital proglottis are white and resemble a grain of rice in appearance.

The choice of food is especially important for the growth of pets. The first condition is that the food should provide them with sufficient nutrition.


  • Weaning period (puppies of all sizes): 4 meals a day
  • 4 months and below (small dogs) or 6 months and below (large dogs): 3 meals a day
  • 4 to 10 months (small dogs) or 6 to 12 months (large dogs): 2 meals a day

Feeding puppies dry food, wet food or semi-dry and semi-moist food are all good, and each food has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are many choices in the market. Dry food is the first choice of most people. It is cost-effective. In addition to canned food, it can also be served with chilled food, raw food, fresh food, etc., which will be more nutritious.


  • Weaning period: 4 meals a day
  • 2-3 months: 3-4 meals a day, a small amount of frequent meals, food cans or kitten food

The nails of dogs and cats are sharp. Using nail grinding sticks or small sandpaper to blunt and shorten them. But be careful not to injure the nail bed at the base of the nail, as this can cause bleeding and pain.

If the nails of puppies and kittens are transparent or light-colored, a thin pink line should be visible on the nail bed. If the nails are dark-colored, only a small amount (about 1 mm) should be cut at a time until the pet starts to struggle , it should be very close to the nail bed. Give pets small rewards during or at the end of the nail clipping to reassure and encourage them.